Invented right here is the Picture Mosaics labs, SketchBots (and SketchBot Mosaics) are the latest mesh of Ai, robotics...and mosaics. Once a portrait is taken or submitted, one of the SketchBots gets to work drawing an incredible sketch of the guest for a specific location in less than 45 seconds. Once complete, the guest will either take their personalized and branded 4x6" sketch or their 2x2" adhesive sketch to place on the mosaic grid. A stunning skech and/or a one-of-a-kind mosaic will come to life throughout the course of the event. This all happens in real-time or pre-generated content can be leveraged. A SketchBot Mosaic can have 200 to 7000+ sketches.
Key Features:
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics to create artistic one-of-kind sketches
  • Six of our artists sketched over 6,000 portraits to "teach" SketchBots how to artistically draw
  • Award winning Ai robotic experiences (see the awards)
  • Leveraging our brand new "unreleased" Ai v6 (zeta) model
  • Amazing sketches in less than 45 seconds
  • New caricature mode (mini-bodies) bring even more personalization and fun
  • Patent pending technology
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